• Technical Information
  • Date: 18/07/2009
  • Time: 18:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 18/07/2009 13:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    13 €
    10 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
  • Mi Participación
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  • Detalle Participación
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I TriSport PortoCristo 2009

Mallorca Triatlón

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Menorca Forever [V. Truyol, M. Truyol and . ]
Team: Atletasdebaleares.Com [M. Roig, C. Borras Olmeda and C. Alfonso]
Team: Balearman [G. Juan, G. Riera and A. Riera]
Team: Homer [P. Ruiz, M. Palmer and P. Ruiz]
Team: M. Mestre, M. Mestre and M. Mestre
Team: K. Soos, A. Tauler and .
Team: Leo Team [C. Pascual, P. Pascual and B. Pascual]
Team: Mostelamens [J. Campins, T. Homar and X. Nicolau]
Team: Els Indioters [T. Seguí, M. Seguí and P. Pascual]
Team: Los Bici-Voladores [M. Vidal, J. Cuenca and . ]
Team: Peus De Serp Team [. , S. Rigo and R. Adrover]
Team: Els Malalts 5 [T. Gelabert, J. Sancho and J. Pascual]
Team: Llucmajor 1 [J. Santandreu, J. Santandreu and T. Fernández]
Team: M. Munar, B. Llodra and J. Fullana
Team: Els Malalts [M. Genovard, N. Nadal and E. Sancho ]
Team: Barceloboys [. , R. Maimo and G. Barceló]
Team: Elite Intersport Team [P. Llodrà, S. Marques and B. Duran]
Team: Ahí Va La Ostia Patxi [D. González, . and A. Alemany]
Team: M. Febrer, M. Grimalt and J. Febrer
Team: X. Ferrando, J. Jofre and X. Ferrando
Team: C. López, M. Esteva and M. SANTANDREU
Team: . , P. Löfgren and P. Löfgren
Team: Es Rebentats [J. Riudavets, D. Martorell and D. Martorell]
Team: 3m [M. Vicens, M. Uguet and M. Obrador]
Team: A. Garcia , M. Rabadan and B. Ruiz

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender
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