Galatzó Trail 2025
  • Technical Information
  • Date: 09/03/2025
  • Time: 08:30
  • Registered:
  • Lista Espera:
  • Start Reg.: 27/06/2024 00:01
  • Limit: 05/03/2025 21:00
  • Organiza: Fundacio Calvia
  • Fee:
  • Mi Participación
  • Todavía no te has inscrito a esta competición. En esta sección se mostrará la información sobre tu participación en esta competición.
  • Detalle Participación
    Te inscribiste a esta competición el %s
    Detalle Participación
    Puedes obtener un certificado de inscripción como justificante en caso de desplazamiento.
  • Disponibilidad Plazas
  • Galatzó legend (+ 43 km):  
  • Galatzó Explorer (+12 km):  
  • Galatzó half: (+ 23 km):  
  • Esta competición tiene las plazas limitadas por recorrido.

Galatzó Trail 2025

Mallorca Cursa per Muntanya



Day: 09th March 2025

Starting and finishing place: Plaça Sa Vinya (es Capdellà)

Event website:


  • GALATZÓ LEGEND (+43 K) - Start at 8.30 a.m.
  • GALATZÓ HALF (+23 K) - Starts at 10 a.m.
  • GALATZÓ EXPLORER (+12 K) - Start at 10.30 am.

Bib pick-up

Saturday 8th March (Palau Municipal d'Esports - Melanie Costa de Calvià)

Registration fees:


12,4 k (Explorer)

23 k (Half)

43 k (Legend)

July to August 2024

22 €

27 €

37 €

September to December 2024

27 €

32 €

42 €

January and February 2025

32 €

37 €

47 €

March 25

37 €

47 €

52 €

 ** Those who do not have a valid federation licence (YEAR 2025) from the FEDERACIÓ BALEAR DE MUNTANYA I ESCALADA, will have to pay, in addition to the registration fee, 7 € as FBME DAY INSURANCE.

Who can participate:

Registration is open to all persons who formally register for the race, provided that:

1.- They are of the minimum age to be able to participate in each of the races:

  •   GALATZÓ LEGEND (+43 K) - Over 24 years old.
  •   GALATZÓ HALF (+23 K) - Over 21 years old.
  •   GALATZÓ EXPLORER (+12 K) - Over 19 years old.

2.- Accept the conditions of participation (participant contract) and the regulations of the Federació Balear de Muntanyisme i Escalada (Balearic Federation of Mountaineering and Climbing).

3.- To be in adequate physical condition to face this type of challenge.


Check the routes in these links:




Price includes:

  •   Race kit
  •   T-shirt for all registered participants who pick up their race bib.
  •   Finisher's medal for those who complete the race
  •   Timing of the race
  •   Aid stations during the race
  •   Post-finish Aid stations
  •   Race entertainment
  •   Prize-giving ceremony
  •   Trophies for the winners
  •   Physiotherapy service
  •   Shower service
  •   Cloakroom service
  •   Parallel activities without registration fee
  •   Transfers by bus from various points in Calvià to the start area
  •   Other surprises

Refund policy

  •       Until 15 January 2025: 75% of the registration fee will be refunded.
  •       Until 31 January 2025: 50% of the registration fee will be refunded.
  •       Until 09 February 2025: 25% of the registration fee will be refunded.
  •       From 10 February 2025: No refund possible.

Procedure to carry out the cancellation

The procedure to carry out the CANCELLATION is as follows: send an email with the subject: CANCELLATION GT25 to . The following information must be included in the email: Full name, ID or passport number, Race to which it refers: LEGEND (43k), HALF (23k), EXPLORER (12k) Entry locator number. It will not be necessary to provide a reason for cancellation.

Registration name change policy

If registrations are available, name changes will not be accepted after 31 January 2025. In case of name changes before this date, new participants will have to pay the difference between the price paid at the time of the first registration and the price at the time of the change of registration.

To request a change of participant it will be necessary for the participant who transfers his/her registration to write an email to with the subject ‘CHANGE PARTICIPANT GT25’ indicating in the body of the message, his/her name, surname, email address and ID or passport number, telephone number, as well as the name, surname, email address, ID or passport number and telephone number of the new participant with whom he/she wishes to make the change.

In any case, the cancellation of the registration does not give the right to the person who cancels to choose the substitute person to cover that registration.

DISTANCES CHANGES: if the participant wishes to change distance before the start of the race, he/she may do so until 31 January 2025, PROVIDED THAT there are registrations available in the race to which he/she wishes to change. The change of registration from a race of a longer distance to a race of a shorter distance WILL NOT imply a refund of the proportional part of the registration fee, but neither will it imply any financial charge to the participant. For changes of race to be made from a shorter distance to a longer distance, it will be necessary to pay the difference between the registration fee paid for the shorter distance race and the current price of the longer distance race to which the change is being made.

Categories, classifications and prizes.

Galatzó trail offers trophies for the first 3 people classified in the different categories of the races Galatzó Legend (43 km) and Galatzó Half (23 km). In the case of GALATZÓ EXPLORER (12 km) there are only 5 prizes for the ABSOLUTE categories.



















VETERANOS A - M40 / VETERANAS F40 (40 – 49)




VETERANOS B - M50 / VETERANAS F50 (50 – 54)




MASTER M55/ MASTER F55 (55 – 59)








The established categories and prizes are: with ages referenced on 31 December of the year of the competition.

It will be essential to be present at the awards ceremony to collect trophies or material that corresponds to the classification.


The Galatzó Trail 2025 starts and finishes in the Plaça de Sa Vinya (Es Capdellà), in the town centre, and runs entirely along the mountain trails of the Serra de Tramuntana, specifically those included in the LIC areas of Es Galatzó - S'Esclop and Puig de Na Bauçà, as well as in the Galatzó Public Estate.

The route is published on the website and in other media associated with the event.

The organisers reserve the right to change, modify or suspend the published route in the event of particular circumstances that make this necessary.

Time controls and cut-off times.

Time control points will be set up for participants.

Each participant will carry a chip dispensed by the organisation, in this case, the one determined by those in charge of the platform .

Those who do not wear the chip permanently in the race will be penalised and it will not be possible to count their times.

The maximum time to complete the GALATZÓ LEGEND is 9.5 hours (from 8.30 am to 6 pm).

There will be two cut-off points established for the LEGEND distance, non-eliminatory, penalisable:

  • 1st point.- 12.45 h at Pas de na Sabatera, before starting the ascent to the summit of Galatzó (km 22.4).
  • 2nd point: 3.30 p.m. GR221 junction with Ses Planes (km 33).

People who have not passed any of these cut-off points will not be classified ahead of those who have completed the entire route. In the event that their final time, adding the penalty or penalties, is less than that of the last person participating who has completed the entire route, 1 minute will be added to the time of the last person to be classified.

People who have not passed any of these cut-off points will be considered FINISHERS for the distance they have actually completed.

The GALATZÓ LEGEND race will close at 18:00. Those who do not reach the finish line before this time will be disqualified.

People who have not passed any of these cut-off points will be considered FINISHERS for the distance they have actually completed.

The GALATZÓ LEGEND race will close at 18.00 h. Those who do not reach the finish line before that time will be disqualified.

The organisers reserve the right, due to weather conditions, to:

Extend the cut-off time

Decrease the course and distance of the race.

These possible modifications will be notified on the website, briefings or ordinary communication channels.


10.00 h Start (Plaça de Sa Vinya, Es Capdellà).

There are no established cut-off points as the circuit is the same as the LEGEND distance.


Start: 10.30 am at Plaça de Sa Vinya (Es Capdellà).

There are no established cut-off points as the circuit is overlapping with the LEGEND distance.


Warning Elitechip Queries!
Elitechip is not constantly checking Facebook conversations. If you have any questions or queries regarding the competition or other issue, please use the Contact Form so we can reply you in the shortest possible time.